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Live Wild
and Free

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Sailing was originally a retirement plan that grew impatient on me.  


Bad decisions make great memories


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Blog posts

Someone once told me that you have to do the things that scare you if you want to get the most out of life. Sailing was one of them.


Going cruising?

Here's a few things that made our life easier while cruising for the last few years. I highly recommend these. When ordering through the links below, you also help us make a few dollars through the Amazon affiliate program at no extra cost to you. WIN WIN!


Nigel Calder's Book: Mechanical and ELECtrical Manual

Nigel Calder's book is a BIBLE! It's a must have on board and the last edition features all the latest systems and battery technologies. Remember you'll not always have internet and when you don't... that will be your only resource.

Sea of cortez: a cruiser's guidebook, 3th edition

This book by Shaun and Heather has been the most accurate and updated. Really easy to understand, it has a bunch of pictures, hiking, diving, fishing sports, etc.

More on Spearfishing
coming soon!



Photography courtesy of @wandersailing.
